Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Destiny bound

One of the many things I often mull over in my head is the existence of "destiny". Destiny, Kismet , Fate. . .

Do you ever feel some sort of inner turmoil when you wonder where you're actually headed? A confusion that entangles your mind as you face the big question :What am I doing here? Where do I go from here?. No one can know their future for certain,yet we love to have some control over it-by way of planning for the future,planning our paths. Yet, does such a thing as destiny really exist?

Often when I experience such a turmoil, I tell myself that my destiny will take me where I am supposed to go. But is it all pre determined or do we control our own destinies,or our own fate? I think we do. I think we indeed,are masters of our own fate. However, I like to believe that just like every substance on earth has magnetic properties and feels a pull, just like that,we also feel a pull towards something. And it is this pull that drives us towards our own "destiny". We foster a sort of staunch belief in something,we are drawn to it. We resolve to attain it,and we are driven. It is this pull that eventually makes us all bound towards our kismet.
So there really is no reason to despair. Like a magnet's proper orientation can make it's pole face the opposite and thus help it attract the other,We too eventually find our own orientation,find our direction or "disha" and guided by the forces,we move towards it.

Or so,I like to believe . . .


Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Confessions of a couch potato

Sometimes I often think I find reality a little too hard to deal with. When everyday seems like a painfully mundane rut I'm stuck in,I constantly find myself seeking ways to keep away from the real world,and take off in a bubble of my own. Glazed eyes in the middle of a Micro lecture, I'll be far away in my own dream world-complete with rainbows, butterflies, and my very own Adonis to boot. Or I could be drifting into the future, my future apartment,future job,future me. The need to keep myself amused never ceases,and perhaps this seems to be my greatest folly-I get bored with what's around me too easily.

Which brings me to what I really love-my companion on bleary days,my best friend-known to some as the idiot box,television,people is my one true love. A temporary refuge from my dull life,it gives me an escape like no other. I can overdose on episodes of "Lie to me" all day. Dr. Cal Lightman best fits my description of an ideal man.Or I could be soaking in "How I met your mother". Movie marathons-whatever is on HBO or Star Movies from horror flicks to tacky action,to slapstick comedy,to the staple romcoms,anything and everything.If it's on,I definitely will be watching.What I love most about t.v. is that it will never leave me. It's simply there,offering me the solace and company you seldom get.

But as I find myself in front of the telly more that in front of what I really should be infront of,It makes me think if I really am letting this addiction go a little too far. I often get so absorbed,I won't eat for hours without realizing. What if i'm losing out on other aspects of life? the real aspects.
That really is somthing for me to think about. In the meantime,Masterchef's on.